Wednesday, March 18, 2009


April'09 Gold is history as far as I am concerned.
I will only post June'09 gold charts from the re-opening
of the gold market at 3pm pdst today.
Given the actions in gold today after the FOMC report
and the market reaction in gold, bonds and the dollar
(and everything else), anyone who would risk their money
in a contract that is expiring on Thursday coming, should
lose it.
If for any reason you are long April and aren't quite even,
you can push it up to First Notice on the 28th, as gold
should continue to rise from this point with the usual
pull backs, but nothing as bad as what we've just had to
endure for the last MONTH as gold decended over $100
until today's jump up and out of the white intermediate
downtrend channel.
Gold should find support on the top white line of the
downtrend channel or very near it.
The whole issue of bonus payments to AIG crooks is
a NON-ISSUE to distract you from the TRILLIONS of
paper fiat currency being POURED into the money supply
which will very soon create a HYPER-INFLATION like nothing
you have ever experienced in ONE HUNDRED YEARS.
Zimbabwe is the only current example of such a disaster.
Hyper-inflation ALWAYS leads to death, war, revolution
and the destruction of the cultures involved. In this case,
it is the CULTURE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD that is involved
because the U.S. Dollar has been the International Reserve Currency.
THE ONLY REAL MONEY IS GOLD, SILVER, and other precious metals.
And don't forget LEAD in the shape of a bullet for hunting and
self protection.
I wish I could say I hope for a rational outcome, but it's just not
possible with the people we have allowed to run our system who
don't have the slightest clue of what they are doing and have done.
The game is just about over except for the violence.