Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Dollar has fallen to .7939 this evening.
Gold, so far, has not risen accordingly because
the most influential foreign markets don't open
for a few hours (around midnight pst).
As the markets become thinner in volume as we
move deeper into the holiday weeks expect ANYTHING.
This is the time of year (and continuing into March of
next year) when gold has made some of its greatest gains,
only to fall on its ass in a major way.
However, 'The Boyz' have either run out of ammo, or are
running very low on anti-gold bullets, and have much less
ability to knock gold down, UNLESS they decide to sell
all the gold they do, or don't, have to suppress the market.
REMEMBER, the Illuminati bastards will scoop up all the gold
in the World at the bottom, if they haven't already done so.