Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So far the news coverage since yesterday on every channel has been purely pathetic.
The talking heads don't have the slightest clue what is going on as our guv'mint is
put into the hands of another bunch of people who only want to maintain the power
of the guv'mint instead of putting it in the PEOPLES' hands.
They cover this event like a SuperBowl game, as is now common in this country.
Everything is an opportunity to bring out entertainers and whoop up the mob.
There is simply NO COMPREHENSION in the news media, or the public, of what is
happening in the gears of our culture.
They all talk about HOPE and god saving us, when in reality, only we can save ourselves
by paying the price of the debt we have created, or allowed to be created through our
NO MAN or group of men can undo what has been done with a few tricky programs
or by creating MORE DEBT in hopes of avoiding paying off the already accumulated debt.
We ALL will have to pay it off (plus any additional debt created by the new leaders) before
we will ever set things right.
All the hope in the world and prayers to god, plus fifty cents will still let you ride the bus (probably more like TEN DOLLARS pretty soon, if the buses even run.)
Please notice that you are being subjected to an extreme form of PROPAGANDA
with all this pomp and ceremony.
Notice that media ask the dumbest people on earth how the feel about the event.
Especially asking ENTERTAINERS how they feel. What a bunch of idiots!
Look at this ceremony with extreme skepticism and realize the world is putting the
whole mess on ONE MAN's shoulders to solve and will turn on him the minute he
doesn't fix it quickly. They will then resort to blaming him and his race for being inadequate
to the challenge.
All these simple people who have come out to celebrate this "new beginning" will be the same
people who will soon be rioting in the streets and robbing you of your supplies when the
system collapses.
Stay aware and don't fall for this maudlin crap which is biggest tool that manipulators
have always used to manipulate the mob...ceremonies, pomp, and circumstance!