Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I don't have any open positions right now, but I expect
the best moves may take place in the overnight hours.
This means I may not get enough sleep to monitor the
day session.
I am also worn out from grief over the loss of my dear
buddy Black Cat, so I will need some recharge time soon.

I will want to buy in at whatever the bottom seems to be
this evening before midnight my time (Pacific).
If gold is going to move higher, it will do it some time
after midnight for me, and peak around 4am, although
I will not have a clue as to what the peak will be.
The 75% retrace point for this whole major down move
is around 959, give or take a bit.

I'm worn out and going to bed and will arise around 11pm pst
to see where the market has gone.
Please read Sinclair and Norcini daily, as they will keep you
honestly in the ballpark.
I will try to put up a list of my highly recommended sites
to monitor daily..this week end.
Good night Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are.