Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Gold: Time To Shine Posted: Jun 23 2009 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: June 23, 2009 at 3:15 pm
Filed under: General Editorial

Dear Friends,

This is the third week of June so we should be on the threshold of the major gold move.

I have no doubt that the gold price is going to and through $1000 here on its way to $1224 and $1650. Following that it will move on to Alf’s numbers via its normal drama.

Gold is the inverse of the US dollar and has been manipulated lower via the paper market. Such action creates a coiled spring about to squeeze Jack out of the Box.

Financial TV’s new spin is that crude is the new gold.

What they have missed is that crude is your first example of how a currency has the potential of delivering hyperinflation as cost push with any meaningful demand pull.

Regards, Jim